PHP Class PHPMD\Renderer\XMLRenderer

Author: Manuel Pichler ([email protected])
Inheritance: extends PHPMD\AbstractRenderer
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Public Methods

Method Description
renderReport ( PHPMD\Report $report ) : void This method will be called when the engine has finished the source analysis phase.
start ( ) : void This method will be called on all renderers before the engine starts the real report processing.

Private Methods

Method Description
maybeAdd ( string $attr, string $value ) : void This method will write a xml attribute named $attr to the output when the given $value is not an empty string and is not null.

Method Details

renderReport() public method

This method will be called when the engine has finished the source analysis phase.
public renderReport ( PHPMD\Report $report ) : void
$report PHPMD\Report
return void

start() public method

This method will be called on all renderers before the engine starts the real report processing.
public start ( ) : void
return void