PHP Class PhpOffice\PhpPresentation\Shape\Chart\Type\AbstractTypeBar

Inheritance: extends AbstractType
显示文件 Open project: phpoffice/phppowerpoint Class Usage Examples

Protected Properties

Property Type Description
$barDirection string Orientation of bars
$barGrouping string Grouping of bars

Public Methods

Method Description
getBarDirection ( ) : string Get orientation
getBarGrouping ( ) : string Get grouping (stack or expanded style bar)
getHashCode ( ) : string Get hash code
setBarDirection ( string $value = self::DIRECTION_VERTICAL ) : PhpOffice\PhpPresentation\Shape\Chart\Type\Bar Set bar orientation
setBarGrouping ( string $value = self::GROUPING_CLUSTERED ) : PhpOffice\PhpPresentation\Shape\Chart\Type\Bar Set bar grouping (stack or expanded style bar)

Method Details

getBarDirection() public method

Get orientation
public getBarDirection ( ) : string
return string

getBarGrouping() public method

Get grouping (stack or expanded style bar)
public getBarGrouping ( ) : string
return string

getHashCode() public method

Get hash code
public getHashCode ( ) : string
return string Hash code

setBarDirection() public method

Set bar orientation
public setBarDirection ( string $value = self::DIRECTION_VERTICAL ) : PhpOffice\PhpPresentation\Shape\Chart\Type\Bar
$value string
return PhpOffice\PhpPresentation\Shape\Chart\Type\Bar

setBarGrouping() public method

Set bar grouping (stack or expanded style bar)
public setBarGrouping ( string $value = self::GROUPING_CLUSTERED ) : PhpOffice\PhpPresentation\Shape\Chart\Type\Bar
$value string
return PhpOffice\PhpPresentation\Shape\Chart\Type\Bar

Property Details

$barDirection protected_oe property

Orientation of bars
protected string $barDirection
return string

$barGrouping protected_oe property

Grouping of bars
protected string $barGrouping
return string