PHP Class PhpOffice\PhpPresentation\Shape\Placeholder

显示文件 Open project: phpoffice/phppowerpoint Class Usage Examples

Protected Properties

Property Type Description
$hasCustomPrompt boolean hasCustomPrompt Indicates whether the placeholder should have a customer prompt.
$idx integer idx Specifies the index of the placeholder. This is used when applying templates or changing layouts to match a placeholder on one template or master to another.
$type type Specifies what content type the placeholder is to contains

Public Methods

Method Description
__construct ( $type ) Placeholder constructor.
getIdx ( ) : integer
getType ( ) : mixed
setIdx ( integer $idx )
setType ( mixed $type ) : string

Method Details

__construct() public method

Placeholder constructor.
public __construct ( $type )

getIdx() public method

public getIdx ( ) : integer
return integer

getType() public method

public getType ( ) : mixed
return mixed

setIdx() public method

public setIdx ( integer $idx )
$idx integer

setType() public method

public setType ( mixed $type ) : string
$type mixed
return string

Property Details

$hasCustomPrompt protected_oe property

hasCustomPrompt Indicates whether the placeholder should have a customer prompt.
protected bool $hasCustomPrompt
return boolean

$idx protected_oe property

idx Specifies the index of the placeholder. This is used when applying templates or changing layouts to match a placeholder on one template or master to another.
protected int $idx
return integer

$type protected_oe property

type Specifies what content type the placeholder is to contains
protected $type