PHP Class Pinq\Queries\Functions\FunctionBase

Author: Elliot Levin ([email protected])
Inheritance: implements Pinq\Queries\Functions\IFunction
显示文件 Open project: timetoogo/pinq

Protected Properties

Property Type Description
$bodyExpressions Pinq\Expressions\Expression[] | null The expressions of the body statements of the function
$evaluationContextFactory FunctionEvaluationContextFactory
$parameters Pinq\Queries\Functions\Parameters\ParameterBase The structure of the function's parameters

Public Methods

Method Description
__construct ( $callableId, $scopeType, $namespace, array $parameterScopedVariableMap, array $parameterExpressions, array $bodyExpressions = null )
countBodyExpressions ( )
countBodyExpressionsUntilReturn ( )
factory ( ) : callable Gets a callable factory for the function structure.
getBodyExpressions ( )
getBodyExpressionsUntilReturn ( )
getCallableId ( )
getEvaluationContextFactory ( )
getNamespace ( )
getParameterIds ( )
getParameterScopedVariableMap ( )
getParameters ( )
getScopeType ( )
hasNamespace ( )
hasScopeType ( )
isInternal ( )
serialize ( )
unserialize ( $data )
update ( $scopeType, $namespace, array $parameterScopedVariableMap, array $parameterExpressions, array $bodyExpressions = null )
updateBody ( array $bodyExpressions = null )
walk ( ExpressionWalker $walker )

Protected Methods

Method Description
dataToSerialize ( )
getParameterStructure ( array $parameterExpressions ) : ParameterBase
initialize ( )
unserializeData ( $data )
verifyNotInternal ( $method )

Method Details

__construct() final public method

final public __construct ( $callableId, $scopeType, $namespace, array $parameterScopedVariableMap, array $parameterExpressions, array $bodyExpressions = null )
$parameterScopedVariableMap array
$parameterExpressions array
$bodyExpressions array

countBodyExpressions() final public method

final public countBodyExpressions ( )

countBodyExpressionsUntilReturn() final public method

dataToSerialize() protected method

protected dataToSerialize ( )

factory() public static method

Gets a callable factory for the function structure.
public static factory ( ) : callable
return callable

getBodyExpressions() final public method

final public getBodyExpressions ( )

getBodyExpressionsUntilReturn() final public method

getCallableId() final public method

final public getCallableId ( )

getEvaluationContextFactory() public method

getNamespace() public method

public getNamespace ( )

getParameterIds() public method

public getParameterIds ( )

getParameterScopedVariableMap() public method

getParameterStructure() abstract protected method

abstract protected getParameterStructure ( array $parameterExpressions ) : ParameterBase
$parameterExpressions array
return Pinq\Queries\Functions\Parameters\ParameterBase

getParameters() public method

public getParameters ( )

getScopeType() public method

public getScopeType ( )

hasNamespace() public method

public hasNamespace ( )

hasScopeType() public method

public hasScopeType ( )

initialize() protected method

protected initialize ( )

isInternal() public method

public isInternal ( )

serialize() final public method

final public serialize ( )

unserialize() final public method

final public unserialize ( $data )

unserializeData() protected method

protected unserializeData ( $data )

update() public method

public update ( $scopeType, $namespace, array $parameterScopedVariableMap, array $parameterExpressions, array $bodyExpressions = null )
$parameterScopedVariableMap array
$parameterExpressions array
$bodyExpressions array

updateBody() public method

public updateBody ( array $bodyExpressions = null )
$bodyExpressions array

verifyNotInternal() final protected method

final protected verifyNotInternal ( $method )

walk() final public method

final public walk ( ExpressionWalker $walker )
$walker Pinq\Expressions\ExpressionWalker

Property Details

$bodyExpressions protected_oe property

The expressions of the body statements of the function
protected Expression[],Pinq\Expressions|null $bodyExpressions
return Pinq\Expressions\Expression[] | null

$evaluationContextFactory protected_oe property

protected FunctionEvaluationContextFactory,Pinq\Queries\Functions $evaluationContextFactory
return FunctionEvaluationContextFactory

$parameters protected_oe property

The structure of the function's parameters
protected ParameterBase,Pinq\Queries\Functions\Parameters $parameters
return Pinq\Queries\Functions\Parameters\ParameterBase