TBulletedList displays items in a bullet format.
The bullet style is specified by {@link setBulletStyle BulletStyle}. When
the style is 'CustomImage', the {@link setBackImageUrl BulletImageUrl}
specifies the image used as bullets.
TBulletedList displays the item texts in three different modes, specified
via {@link setDisplayMode DisplayMode}. When the mode is Text, the item texts
are displayed as static texts; When the mode is 'HyperLink', each item
is displayed as a hyperlink whose URL is given by the item value, and the
{@link setTarget Target} property can be used to specify the target browser window;
When the mode is 'LinkButton', each item is displayed as a link button which
posts back to the page if a user clicks on that and the event {@link onClick OnClick}
will be raised under such a circumstance.
protected method
public method
This method is required by {@link IPostBackEventHandler} interface.
If {@link getCausesValidation CausesValidation} is true, it will
invoke the page's {@link TPage::validate validate} method first.
It will raise {@link onClick OnClick} events.
This method is mainly used by framework and control developers.
protected method
public method
Renders the body contents.
protected method
public method