PHP Class REBELinBLUE\Deployer\CheckUrl

Inheritance: extends Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model, use trait Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\SoftDeletes, use trait REBELinBLUE\Deployer\Traits\BroadcastChanges, use trait Illuminate\Foundation\Bus\DispatchesJobs
显示文件 Open project: rebelinblue/deployer Class Usage Examples

Protected Properties

Property Type Description
$casts array The attributes that should be casted to native types.
$fillable array The attributes that are mass assignable.
$hidden array The attributes excluded from the model's JSON form.

Public Methods

Method Description
boot ( ) Override the boot method to bind model event listeners.
notificationPayload ( ) : array Generates a slack payload for the link failure.
project ( ) : BelongsTo Belongs to relationship.
setUrlAttribute ( string $value ) Define a mutator to set the status to untested if the URL changes.

Method Details

boot() public static method

Override the boot method to bind model event listeners.
public static boot ( )

notificationPayload() public method

Generates a slack payload for the link failure.
public notificationPayload ( ) : array
return array

project() public method

Belongs to relationship.
public project ( ) : BelongsTo
return Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\BelongsTo

setUrlAttribute() public method

Define a mutator to set the status to untested if the URL changes.
public setUrlAttribute ( string $value )
$value string

Property Details

$casts protected_oe property

The attributes that should be casted to native types.
protected array $casts
return array

$fillable protected_oe property

The attributes that are mass assignable.
protected array $fillable
return array

$hidden protected_oe property

The attributes excluded from the model's JSON form.
protected array $hidden
return array