PHP Class Smalot\Magento\Catalog\ProductCustomOptionValue

Inheritance: extends Smalot\Magento\MagentoModuleAbstract
显示文件 Open project: smalot/magento-client

Public Methods

Method Description
add ( string $optionId, array $data, string $store = null ) : Smalot\Magento\ActionInterface Allows you to add a new custom option value to a custom option.
getInfo ( string $valueId, string $store = null ) : Smalot\Magento\ActionInterface Allows you to retrieve full information about the specified product custom option value.
getList ( string $optionId, string $store = null ) : Smalot\Magento\ActionInterface Allows you to retrieve the list of product custom option values.
remove ( string $valueId ) : Smalot\Magento\ActionInterface Allows you to remove the custom option value from a product.
update ( string $valueId, array $data, string $store = null ) : Smalot\Magento\ActionInterface Allows you to update the product custom option value.

Method Details

add() public method

Note that the custom option value can be added only to the option with the Select Input Type.
public add ( string $optionId, array $data, string $store = null ) : Smalot\Magento\ActionInterface
$optionId string
$data array
$store string
return Smalot\Magento\ActionInterface

getInfo() public method

Allows you to retrieve full information about the specified product custom option value.
public getInfo ( string $valueId, string $store = null ) : Smalot\Magento\ActionInterface
$valueId string
$store string
return Smalot\Magento\ActionInterface

getList() public method

Note that the method is available only for the option Select Input Type.
public getList ( string $optionId, string $store = null ) : Smalot\Magento\ActionInterface
$optionId string
$store string
return Smalot\Magento\ActionInterface

remove() public method

Allows you to remove the custom option value from a product.
public remove ( string $valueId ) : Smalot\Magento\ActionInterface
$valueId string
return Smalot\Magento\ActionInterface

update() public method

Allows you to update the product custom option value.
public update ( string $valueId, array $data, string $store = null ) : Smalot\Magento\ActionInterface
$valueId string
$data array
$store string
return Smalot\Magento\ActionInterface