PHP Class Smalot\Magento\CustomerBalance\StoreCredit

Inheritance: extends Smalot\Magento\MagentoModuleAbstract
显示文件 Open project: smalot/magento-client

Public Methods

Method Description
getBalance ( string $customerId, string $websiteId ) : Smalot\Magento\ActionInterface Allows you to retrieve the customer store credit balance amount.
getHistory ( string $customerId, string $websiteId = null ) : Smalot\Magento\ActionInterface Allows you to retrieve the customer store credit history information.

Method Details

getBalance() public method

Allows you to retrieve the customer store credit balance amount.
public getBalance ( string $customerId, string $websiteId ) : Smalot\Magento\ActionInterface
$customerId string
$websiteId string
return Smalot\Magento\ActionInterface

getHistory() public method

Allows you to retrieve the customer store credit history information.
public getHistory ( string $customerId, string $websiteId = null ) : Smalot\Magento\ActionInterface
$customerId string
$websiteId string
return Smalot\Magento\ActionInterface