PHP Class Sulu\Bundle\ContentBundle\Document\BasePageDocument

Inheritance: implements Sulu\Component\DocumentManager\Behavior\Mapping\NodeNameBehavior, implements Sulu\Component\Content\Document\Behavior\LocalizedStructureBehavior, implements Sulu\Component\Content\Document\Behavior\ResourceSegmentBehavior, implements Sulu\Component\Content\Document\Behavior\NavigationContextBehavior, implements Sulu\Component\Content\Document\Behavior\RedirectTypeBehavior, implements Sulu\Component\Content\Document\Behavior\WorkflowStageBehavior, implements Sulu\Component\Content\Document\Behavior\ShadowLocaleBehavior, implements Sulu\Component\DocumentManager\Behavior\Mapping\UuidBehavior, implements Sulu\Component\DocumentManager\Behavior\Mapping\ChildrenBehavior, implements Sulu\Component\DocumentManager\Behavior\Mapping\PathBehavior, implements Sulu\Component\Content\Document\Behavior\ExtensionBehavior, implements Sulu\Component\Content\Document\Behavior\OrderBehavior, implements Sulu\Component\Content\Document\Behavior\WebspaceBehavior, implements Sulu\Component\Content\Document\Behavior\SecurityBehavior, implements Sulu\Component\Content\Document\Behavior\LocalizedAuditableBehavior, implements Sulu\Component\DocumentManager\Behavior\Mapping\LocalizedTitleBehavior
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Protected Properties

Property Type Description
$changed DateTime Changed date of page.
$changer integer User ID of changer.
$children Sulu\Component\DocumentManager\Collection\ChildrenCollection Document's children.
$created DateTime Datetime of create document.
$creator integer User ID of creator.
$extensions Sulu\Component\Content\Document\Extension\ExtensionContainer ..
$locale string Document's locale.
$navigationContexts string[]
$nodeName string The name of this node.
$originalLocale string Document's original locale.
$path string Path of Document.
$permissions array List of permissions.
$published boolean Is Document is published.
$redirectExternal string The External redirect.
$redirectTarget object The target of redirection.
$redirectType integer Type of redirection.
$resourceSegment string Segment.
$shadowLocale string Shadow locale.
$shadowLocaleEnabled boolean Shadow locale is enabled.
$structure Sulu\Component\Content\Document\Structure\StructureInterface Structure.
$structureType string ..
$suluOrder integer Document's order.
$title string Title of document.
$uuid string Universal Identifier.
$webspaceName string Document's webspace name.
$workflowStage integer Workflow Stage currently Test or Published.

Public Methods

Method Description
__construct ( )
getChanged ( )
getChanger ( )
getChildren ( )
getCreated ( )
getCreator ( )
getExtensionsData ( )
getLocale ( )
getNavigationContexts ( )
getNodeName ( )
getOriginalLocale ( )
getPath ( )
getPermissions ( )
getPublished ( )
getRedirectExternal ( )
getRedirectTarget ( )
getRedirectType ( )
getResourceSegment ( )
getShadowLocale ( )
getStructure ( )
getStructureType ( )
getSuluOrder ( )
getTitle ( )
getUuid ( )
getWebspaceName ( )
getWorkflowStage ( )
isShadowLocaleEnabled ( )
setExtension ( $name, $data )
setExtensionsData ( $extensions )
setLocale ( $locale )
setNavigationContexts ( array $navigationContexts = [] )
setOriginalLocale ( $originalLocale )
setPermissions ( array $permissions )
setRedirectExternal ( $redirectExternal )
setRedirectTarget ( $redirectTarget )
setRedirectType ( $redirectType )
setResourceSegment ( $resourceSegment )
setShadowLocale ( $shadowLocale )
setShadowLocaleEnabled ( $shadowLocaleEnabled )
setStructureType ( $structureType )
setSuluOrder ( $order )
setTitle ( $title )
setWorkflowStage ( $workflowStage )

Method Details

__construct() public method

public __construct ( )

getChanged() public method

public getChanged ( )

getChanger() public method

public getChanger ( )

getChildren() public method

public getChildren ( )

getCreated() public method

public getCreated ( )

getCreator() public method

public getCreator ( )

getExtensionsData() public method

public getExtensionsData ( )

getLocale() public method

public getLocale ( )

getNavigationContexts() public method

getNodeName() public method

public getNodeName ( )

getOriginalLocale() public method

public getOriginalLocale ( )

getPath() public method

public getPath ( )

getPermissions() public method

public getPermissions ( )

getPublished() public method

public getPublished ( )

getRedirectExternal() public method

public getRedirectExternal ( )

getRedirectTarget() public method

public getRedirectTarget ( )

getRedirectType() public method

public getRedirectType ( )

getResourceSegment() public method

public getResourceSegment ( )

getShadowLocale() public method

public getShadowLocale ( )

getStructure() public method

public getStructure ( )

getStructureType() public method

public getStructureType ( )

getSuluOrder() public method

public getSuluOrder ( )

getTitle() public method

public getTitle ( )

getUuid() public method

public getUuid ( )

getWebspaceName() public method

public getWebspaceName ( )

getWorkflowStage() public method

public getWorkflowStage ( )

isShadowLocaleEnabled() public method

setExtension() public method

public setExtension ( $name, $data )

setExtensionsData() public method

public setExtensionsData ( $extensions )

setLocale() public method

public setLocale ( $locale )

setNavigationContexts() public method

public setNavigationContexts ( array $navigationContexts = [] )
$navigationContexts array

setOriginalLocale() public method

public setOriginalLocale ( $originalLocale )

setPermissions() public method

public setPermissions ( array $permissions )
$permissions array

setRedirectExternal() public method

public setRedirectExternal ( $redirectExternal )

setRedirectTarget() public method

public setRedirectTarget ( $redirectTarget )

setRedirectType() public method

public setRedirectType ( $redirectType )

setResourceSegment() public method

public setResourceSegment ( $resourceSegment )

setShadowLocale() public method

public setShadowLocale ( $shadowLocale )

setShadowLocaleEnabled() public method

public setShadowLocaleEnabled ( $shadowLocaleEnabled )

setStructureType() public method

public setStructureType ( $structureType )

setSuluOrder() public method

public setSuluOrder ( $order )

setTitle() public method

public setTitle ( $title )

setWorkflowStage() public method

public setWorkflowStage ( $workflowStage )

Property Details

$changed protected_oe property

Changed date of page.
protected DateTime $changed
return DateTime

$changer protected_oe property

User ID of changer.
protected int $changer
return integer

$children protected_oe property

Document's children.
protected ChildrenCollection,Sulu\Component\DocumentManager\Collection $children
return Sulu\Component\DocumentManager\Collection\ChildrenCollection

$created protected_oe property

Datetime of create document.
protected DateTime $created
return DateTime

$creator protected_oe property

User ID of creator.
protected int $creator
return integer

$extensions protected_oe property

protected ExtensionContainer,Sulu\Component\Content\Document\Extension $extensions
return Sulu\Component\Content\Document\Extension\ExtensionContainer

$locale protected_oe property

Document's locale.
protected string $locale
return string

$navigationContexts protected_oe property

protected string[] $navigationContexts
return string[]

$nodeName protected_oe property

The name of this node.
protected string $nodeName
return string

$originalLocale protected_oe property

Document's original locale.
protected string $originalLocale
return string

$path protected_oe property

Path of Document.
protected string $path
return string

$permissions protected_oe property

List of permissions.
protected array $permissions
return array

$published protected_oe property

Is Document is published.
protected bool $published
return boolean

$redirectExternal protected_oe property

The External redirect.
protected string $redirectExternal
return string

$redirectTarget protected_oe property

The target of redirection.
protected object $redirectTarget
return object

$redirectType protected_oe property

Type of redirection.
protected int $redirectType
return integer

$resourceSegment protected_oe property

protected string $resourceSegment
return string

$shadowLocale protected_oe property

Shadow locale.
protected string $shadowLocale
return string

$shadowLocaleEnabled protected_oe property

Shadow locale is enabled.
protected bool $shadowLocaleEnabled
return boolean

$structure protected_oe property

protected StructureInterface,Sulu\Component\Content\Document\Structure $structure
return Sulu\Component\Content\Document\Structure\StructureInterface

$structureType protected_oe property

protected string $structureType
return string

$suluOrder protected_oe property

Document's order.
protected int $suluOrder
return integer

$title protected_oe property

Title of document.
protected string $title
return string

$uuid protected_oe property

Universal Identifier.
protected string $uuid
return string

$webspaceName protected_oe property

Document's webspace name.
protected string $webspaceName
return string

$workflowStage protected_oe property

Workflow Stage currently Test or Published.
protected int $workflowStage
return integer