PHP Class Swiftriver\Core\Modules\SiSPS\Parsers\SMSGatewayParser

Inheritance: implements Swiftriver\Core\Modules\SiSPS\Parsers\IParser
显示文件 Open project: ushahidi/Swiftriver-2011

Public Methods

Method Description
GetAndParse ( Channel $channel ) Implementation of IParser::GetAndParse
ListSubTypes ( ) : string[] This method returns a string array with the names of all the source types this parser is designed to parse. For example the EventfulParser may return array("Blogs", "News Feeds");
ReturnRequiredParameters ( ) : array() This method returns an array of the required parameters that are necessary to run this parser. The Array should be in the following format: array( "SubType" => array ( ConfigurationElements ) )
ReturnType ( ) : string This method returns a string describing the type of sources it can parse. For example, the EventfulParser returns "Feeds".

Private Methods

Method Description
getGatewayContentItems ( $channel, $logger, $serverURL )

Method Details

GetAndParse() public method

Implementation of IParser::GetAndParse
public GetAndParse ( Channel $channel )
$channel Swiftriver\Core\ObjectModel\Channel

ListSubTypes() public method

This method returns a string array with the names of all the source types this parser is designed to parse. For example the EventfulParser may return array("Blogs", "News Feeds");
public ListSubTypes ( ) : string[]
return string[]

ReturnRequiredParameters() public method

This method returns an array of the required parameters that are necessary to run this parser. The Array should be in the following format: array( "SubType" => array ( ConfigurationElements ) )
public ReturnRequiredParameters ( ) : array()
return array()

ReturnType() public method

This method returns a string describing the type of sources it can parse. For example, the EventfulParser returns "Feeds".
public ReturnType ( ) : string
return string type of sources parsed