PHP Class yii\widgets\InputWidget

An input widget can be associated with a data model and an attribute, or a name and a value. If the former, the name and the value will be generated automatically. Classes extending from this widget can be used in an [[\yii\widgets\ActiveForm|ActiveForm]] using the [[\yii\widgets\ActiveField::widget()|widget()]] method, for example like this: php field($model, 'from_date')->widget('WidgetClassName', [ configure additional widget properties here ]) ?> For more details and usage information on InputWidget, see the guide article on forms.
Since: 2.0
Author: Qiang Xue ([email protected])
Inheritance: extends yii\base\Widget
显示文件 Open project: yiisoft/yii2 Class Usage Examples

Public Properties

Property Type Description
$attribute the model attribute that this widget is associated with.
$model the data model that this widget is associated with.
$name the input name. This must be set if [[model]] and [[attribute]] are not set.
$options the HTML attributes for the input tag.
$value the input value.

Public Methods

Method Description
init ( ) Initializes the widget.

Protected Methods

Method Description
hasModel ( ) : boolean

Method Details

hasModel() protected method

protected hasModel ( ) : boolean
return boolean whether this widget is associated with a data model.

init() public method

If you override this method, make sure you call the parent implementation first.
public init ( )

Property Details

$attribute public_oe property

the model attribute that this widget is associated with.
public $attribute

$model public_oe property

the data model that this widget is associated with.
public $model

$name public_oe property

the input name. This must be set if [[model]] and [[attribute]] are not set.
public $name

$options public_oe property

the HTML attributes for the input tag.
See also: yii\helpers\Html::renderTagAttributes() for details on how attributes are being rendered.
public $options

$value public_oe property

the input value.
public $value