PHP Class ZfcRbac\Options\ModuleOptions

Author: Michaël Gallego ([email protected])
Inheritance: extends Zend\Stdlib\AbstractOptions
显示文件 Open project: zf-commons/zfc-rbac Class Usage Examples

Protected Properties

Property Type Description
$assertionMap array Assertion map
$guards array Guards
$guestRole string Guest role (used when no identity is found)
$identityProvider string Key of the identity provider used to retrieve the identity
$protectionPolicy string Protection policy for guards (can be "deny" or "allow")
$redirectStrategy RedirectStrategyOptions | null Options for the redirect strategy
$roleProvider array A configuration for role provider
$unauthorizedStrategy UnauthorizedStrategyOptions | null Options for the unauthorized strategy

Public Methods

Method Description
__construct ( $options = null ) Constructor
getAssertionMap ( ) : array Get the assertions options
getGuards ( ) : array Get the guards options
getGuestRole ( ) : string Get the guest role (used when no identity is found)
getIdentityProvider ( ) : string Get the key of the identity provider used to retrieve the identity
getProtectionPolicy ( ) : string Get the protection policy for guards
getRedirectStrategy ( ) : RedirectStrategyOptions Get the redirect strategy options
getRoleProvider ( ) : array Get the configuration for the role provider
getUnauthorizedStrategy ( ) : UnauthorizedStrategyOptions Get the unauthorized strategy options
setAssertionMap ( array $assertionMap ) : void Set the assertions options
setGuards ( array $guards ) : void Set the guards options
setGuestRole ( string $guestRole ) : void Set the guest role (used when no identity is found)
setIdentityProvider ( string $identityProvider ) : void Set the key of the identity provider used to retrieve the identity
setProtectionPolicy ( string $protectionPolicy ) : void Set the protection policy for guards
setRedirectStrategy ( array $redirectStrategy ) Set the redirect strategy options
setRoleProvider ( array $roleProvider ) Set the configuration for the role provider
setUnauthorizedStrategy ( array $unauthorizedStrategy ) Set the unauthorized strategy options

Method Details

__construct() public method

public __construct ( $options = null )

getAssertionMap() public method

Get the assertions options
public getAssertionMap ( ) : array
return array

getGuards() public method

Get the guards options
public getGuards ( ) : array
return array

getGuestRole() public method

Get the guest role (used when no identity is found)
public getGuestRole ( ) : string
return string

getIdentityProvider() public method

Get the key of the identity provider used to retrieve the identity
public getIdentityProvider ( ) : string
return string

getProtectionPolicy() public method

Get the protection policy for guards
public getProtectionPolicy ( ) : string
return string

getRedirectStrategy() public method

Get the redirect strategy options
public getRedirectStrategy ( ) : RedirectStrategyOptions
return RedirectStrategyOptions

getRoleProvider() public method

Get the configuration for the role provider
public getRoleProvider ( ) : array
return array

getUnauthorizedStrategy() public method

Get the unauthorized strategy options
public getUnauthorizedStrategy ( ) : UnauthorizedStrategyOptions
return UnauthorizedStrategyOptions

setAssertionMap() public method

Set the assertions options
public setAssertionMap ( array $assertionMap ) : void
$assertionMap array
return void

setGuards() public method

Set the guards options
public setGuards ( array $guards ) : void
$guards array
return void

setGuestRole() public method

Set the guest role (used when no identity is found)
public setGuestRole ( string $guestRole ) : void
$guestRole string
return void

setIdentityProvider() public method

Set the key of the identity provider used to retrieve the identity
public setIdentityProvider ( string $identityProvider ) : void
$identityProvider string
return void

setProtectionPolicy() public method

Set the protection policy for guards
public setProtectionPolicy ( string $protectionPolicy ) : void
$protectionPolicy string
return void

setRedirectStrategy() public method

Set the redirect strategy options
public setRedirectStrategy ( array $redirectStrategy )
$redirectStrategy array

setRoleProvider() public method

Set the configuration for the role provider
public setRoleProvider ( array $roleProvider )
$roleProvider array

setUnauthorizedStrategy() public method

Set the unauthorized strategy options
public setUnauthorizedStrategy ( array $unauthorizedStrategy )
$unauthorizedStrategy array

Property Details

$assertionMap protected_oe property

Assertion map
protected array $assertionMap
return array

$guards protected_oe property

protected array $guards
return array

$guestRole protected_oe property

Guest role (used when no identity is found)
protected string $guestRole
return string

$identityProvider protected_oe property

Key of the identity provider used to retrieve the identity
protected string $identityProvider
return string

$protectionPolicy protected_oe property

Protection policy for guards (can be "deny" or "allow")
protected string $protectionPolicy
return string

$redirectStrategy protected_oe property

Options for the redirect strategy
protected RedirectStrategyOptions,ZfcRbac\Options|null $redirectStrategy
return RedirectStrategyOptions | null

$roleProvider protected_oe property

A configuration for role provider
protected array $roleProvider
return array

$unauthorizedStrategy protected_oe property

Options for the unauthorized strategy
protected UnauthorizedStrategyOptions,ZfcRbac\Options|null $unauthorizedStrategy
return UnauthorizedStrategyOptions | null