PHP Interface Pinq\Parsing\IFunctionSignature

Author: Elliot Levin ([email protected])
Inheritance: extends Pinq\Parsing\IMagicResolvable
显示文件 Open project: timetoogo/pinq

Public Methods

Method Description
getAccessModifier ( ) : integer | null Gets the access modifier constant.
getHash ( ) : string Gets a unique hash of the function signature.
getName ( ) : string | null Gets the name of the function/method.
getParameterExpressions ( ) : ParameterExpression[] Gets the parameters expressions of the function.
getPolymorphModifier ( ) : integer | null Gets the polymorph modifier constant.
getScopedVariableNames ( ) : string[] | null Gets an array of the scoped variable names.
getType ( ) : integer Gets the function type constant.
isStatic ( ) : boolean | null Whether the function is static.
resolveMagic ( Pinq\Parsing\IFunctionMagic $functionMagic ) : Pinq\Parsing\IFunctionSignature {@inheritDoc}
returnsReference ( ) : boolean Whether the function returns a reference.

Method Details

getAccessModifier() public method

Null for non method functions.
public getAccessModifier ( ) : integer | null
return integer | null

getHash() public method

Gets a unique hash of the function signature.
public getHash ( ) : string
return string

getName() public method

Null for closures.
public getName ( ) : string | null
return string | null

getParameterExpressions() public method

Gets the parameters expressions of the function.
public getParameterExpressions ( ) : ParameterExpression[]
return Pinq\Expressions\ParameterExpression[]

getPolymorphModifier() public method

Null for non method functions.
public getPolymorphModifier ( ) : integer | null
return integer | null

getScopedVariableNames() public method

Null for non closure functions.
public getScopedVariableNames ( ) : string[] | null
return string[] | null

getType() public method

Gets the function type constant.
public getType ( ) : integer
return integer

isStatic() public method

Null for non method functions.
public isStatic ( ) : boolean | null
return boolean | null

resolveMagic() public method

public resolveMagic ( Pinq\Parsing\IFunctionMagic $functionMagic ) : Pinq\Parsing\IFunctionSignature
$functionMagic Pinq\Parsing\IFunctionMagic
return Pinq\Parsing\IFunctionSignature

returnsReference() public method

Whether the function returns a reference.
public returnsReference ( ) : boolean
return boolean