PHP Interface Swiftriver\Core\DAL\DataContextInterfaces\IChannelDataContext

显示文件 Open project: ushahidi/Swiftriver-2011

Public Methods

Method Description
GetChannelsById ( string[] $ids ) : Channel[] Given the IDs of Channels, this method gets them from the underlying data store
ListAllChannels ( ) : Channel[] Lists all the current Channel in the core
RemoveChannels ( $id ) Given a list of IDs this method removes the Channels from the data store.
SaveChannels ( Channel[] $Channels ) Adds a list of new Channels to the data store
SelectNextDueChannel ( DateTime $time ) : Channel Given a date time, this function returns the next due Channel.

Method Details

GetChannelsById() public static method

Given the IDs of Channels, this method gets them from the underlying data store
public static GetChannelsById ( string[] $ids ) : Channel[]
$ids string[]
return Swiftriver\Core\ObjectModel\Channel[]

ListAllChannels() public static method

Lists all the current Channel in the core
public static ListAllChannels ( ) : Channel[]
return Swiftriver\Core\ObjectModel\Channel[]

RemoveChannels() public static method

Given a list of IDs this method removes the Channels from the data store.
public static RemoveChannels ( $id )

SaveChannels() public static method

Adds a list of new Channels to the data store
public static SaveChannels ( Channel[] $Channels )
$Channels Swiftriver\Core\ObjectModel\Channel[]

SelectNextDueChannel() public static method

Given a date time, this function returns the next due Channel.
public static SelectNextDueChannel ( DateTime $time ) : Channel
$time DateTime
return Swiftriver\Core\ObjectModel\Channel