PHP LdapTools\Utilities Namespace


Name Description
ADTimeSpan Represents the time format used in password settings objects in Active Directory that are in I8 format.
ArrayToOperator Creates a LDAP operator based off an array
DialInData Represents the dial-in data binary value within the userParameters binary blob. The dial-in data starts at position 44 and goes until the TSPropertyArray data (position 96).
Dns A very thin wrapper around some PHP DNS functions. Mostly for the purpose of testing.
GPOLink Represents a GPO link in AD.
LdapUtilities Some common helper LDAP functions.
MBString Some utility functions to handle multi-byte strings properly, as support is lacking/inconsistent for most PHP string functions. This provides a wrapper for various workarounds and falls back to normal functions if needed.
TSProperty Represents a TSProperty structure in a TSPropertyArray of a userParameters binary value.
TSPropertyArray Represents TSPropertyArray data that contains individual TSProperty structures in a userParameters value.
TcpSocket Provides a wrapper around some PHP functions for TCP sockets.
UserParameters Represents userParameters data. Contains dial-in data and the TSPropertyArray data within separate objects. Allows for safe encoding/decoding/modifying/creating of all userParameters data.


Name Description
ConverterUtilitiesTrait Intended to be used with attribute converters that utilize options and current attributes to do some of their work.
NumberUtilitiesTrait Some number utility functions for hex to int conversions.