PHP DataSift\Storyplayer\Cli Namespace


Name Description
CliSignalHandler An interface for handling CLI signals
Feature the standard interface that all features must implement


Name Description
BaseCommand Base class for Storyplayer commands
BuildTestEnvironment_Command A command to build a test environment
ConfigManagerBase helper base class for loading and saving our config files
CreateStory_BasedOnSwitch Set the story template that your new story is based on
CreateStory_Command A command to create a new story to fill in
CreateStory_ForceSwitch Tell Storyplayer to force something to happen
DefaultConfig The config we use when we run stories
E4xx_NoSuchDevice Exception thrown when we attempt to build the config for a test device that does not exist
E4xx_NoSuchSystemUnderTest Exception thrown when we cannot find the system-under-test that we are looking for
E4xx_NoSuchTestEnvironment Exception thrown when we attempt to build the config for an environment that does not exist
E4xx_NoSystemUnderTestSpecified Exception thrown when the user hasn't provided a system-under-test, but they needed to
E4xx_NotInitialised Exception thrown when we attempt to access an injectable before it has been initialised
Feature_ActiveConfigSupport Support for the active configuration
Feature_ColorSupport Support for enabling / disabling colour
Feature_ColorSwitch Tell Storyplayer when to use color output
Feature_ConsoleSupport Support for the console
Feature_DefineSwitch Override the settings defined in your story
Feature_DefinesSupport Support for the -D switch
Feature_DevModeSwitch Tell Storyplayer to run in 'dev' mode
Feature_DeviceSupport Support for selecting a device
Feature_DeviceSwitch Tell Storyplayer which browser / app config to use with testing
Feature_LocalhostSupport Support for registering 'localhost' as a host you can interact with
Feature_PersistDeviceSupport Support for keeping the test environment around
Feature_PersistDeviceSwitch Tell Storyplayer not to kill any background processes we have started
Feature_PersistProcessesSupport Support for keeping the test environment around
Feature_PersistProcessesSwitch Tell Storyplayer not to kill any background processes we have started
Feature_PersistReuseTargetSupport Support for keeping the test environment around
Feature_PersistTargetSwitch Tell Storyplayer not to kill any test environment that we build
Feature_PhaseLoaderSupport Support for loading Phase modules
Feature_ProseLoaderSupport Support for loading Prose modules
Feature_ReadOnlyTestUsersSwitch Tell Storyplayer to treat the test users file as read-only
Feature_ReuseTargetSwitch Tell Storyplayer not to rebuild any test environment that we previously built
Feature_SystemUnderTestConfigSupport Support for selecting the system-under-test to test
Feature_SystemUnderTestConfigSwitch Tell Storyplayer which system we want to test
Feature_TestEnvironmentConfigSupport Support for selecting the target environment to test against
Feature_TestEnvironmentConfigSwitch Tell Storyplayer which test environment to test against; for when there is more than one test environment defined
Feature_TestUsersSupport Support for loading / saving test user data from/to a config file
Feature_TestUsersSwitch Tell Storyplayer which file to use to load/save test user credentials to
Feature_VerboseSupport Support for enabling verbosity in output
Feature_VerboseSwitch Tell Storyplayer when to print longer strings to the log file
Install_Command Command to download dependencies
KillProcesses_Switch A switch to kill any previously started background processes
KnownSystemsUnderTest Our list of known systems-under-test
ListHostsTable_Command A command to list the
ListHostsTable_HostTypeSwitch Tell Storyplayer which host type to use
ListProcesses_Switch A switch to list the processes we have previously started
ListSystems_Switch A switch to list the supported systems-under-test
ListTargets_Switch A switch to list the supported test environments
PlayStory_Command A command to play a story, or a list of stories
PlayStory_LogJUnitSwitch Tell Storyplayer to output 'JUnit' XML format
PlayStory_LogJsonSwitch Tell Storyplayer to output in JSON format
PlayStory_LogTapSwitch Tell Storyplayer to output 'tap13' format
RuntimeConfigManager Helper class for working with Storyplayer's persistent state
Script_Command A command to play a script
ShowTestEnvironment_Command Command to list the current default environment, suitable for use inside shell scripts
StaticConfigManager helper class for loading our static config files