PHP DataSift\Storyplayer\Cli Пространство имен


Имя Описание
CliSignalHandler An interface for handling CLI signals
Feature the standard interface that all features must implement


Имя Описание
BaseCommand Base class for Storyplayer commands
BuildTestEnvironment_Command A command to build a test environment
ConfigManagerBase helper base class for loading and saving our config files
CreateStory_BasedOnSwitch Set the story template that your new story is based on
CreateStory_Command A command to create a new story to fill in
CreateStory_ForceSwitch Tell Storyplayer to force something to happen
DefaultConfig The config we use when we run stories
E4xx_NoSuchDevice Exception thrown when we attempt to build the config for a test device that does not exist
E4xx_NoSuchSystemUnderTest Exception thrown when we cannot find the system-under-test that we are looking for
E4xx_NoSuchTestEnvironment Exception thrown when we attempt to build the config for an environment that does not exist
E4xx_NoSystemUnderTestSpecified Exception thrown when the user hasn't provided a system-under-test, but they needed to
E4xx_NotInitialised Exception thrown when we attempt to access an injectable before it has been initialised
Feature_ActiveConfigSupport Support for the active configuration
Feature_ColorSupport Support for enabling / disabling colour
Feature_ColorSwitch Tell Storyplayer when to use color output
Feature_ConsoleSupport Support for the console
Feature_DefineSwitch Override the settings defined in your story
Feature_DefinesSupport Support for the -D switch
Feature_DevModeSwitch Tell Storyplayer to run in 'dev' mode
Feature_DeviceSupport Support for selecting a device
Feature_DeviceSwitch Tell Storyplayer which browser / app config to use with testing
Feature_LocalhostSupport Support for registering 'localhost' as a host you can interact with
Feature_PersistDeviceSupport Support for keeping the test environment around
Feature_PersistDeviceSwitch Tell Storyplayer not to kill any background processes we have started
Feature_PersistProcessesSupport Support for keeping the test environment around
Feature_PersistProcessesSwitch Tell Storyplayer not to kill any background processes we have started
Feature_PersistReuseTargetSupport Support for keeping the test environment around
Feature_PersistTargetSwitch Tell Storyplayer not to kill any test environment that we build
Feature_PhaseLoaderSupport Support for loading Phase modules
Feature_ProseLoaderSupport Support for loading Prose modules
Feature_ReadOnlyTestUsersSwitch Tell Storyplayer to treat the test users file as read-only
Feature_ReuseTargetSwitch Tell Storyplayer not to rebuild any test environment that we previously built
Feature_SystemUnderTestConfigSupport Support for selecting the system-under-test to test
Feature_SystemUnderTestConfigSwitch Tell Storyplayer which system we want to test
Feature_TestEnvironmentConfigSupport Support for selecting the target environment to test against
Feature_TestEnvironmentConfigSwitch Tell Storyplayer which test environment to test against; for when there is more than one test environment defined
Feature_TestUsersSupport Support for loading / saving test user data from/to a config file
Feature_TestUsersSwitch Tell Storyplayer which file to use to load/save test user credentials to
Feature_VerboseSupport Support for enabling verbosity in output
Feature_VerboseSwitch Tell Storyplayer when to print longer strings to the log file
Install_Command Command to download dependencies
KillProcesses_Switch A switch to kill any previously started background processes
KnownSystemsUnderTest Our list of known systems-under-test
ListHostsTable_Command A command to list the
ListHostsTable_HostTypeSwitch Tell Storyplayer which host type to use
ListProcesses_Switch A switch to list the processes we have previously started
ListSystems_Switch A switch to list the supported systems-under-test
ListTargets_Switch A switch to list the supported test environments
PlayStory_Command A command to play a story, or a list of stories
PlayStory_LogJUnitSwitch Tell Storyplayer to output 'JUnit' XML format
PlayStory_LogJsonSwitch Tell Storyplayer to output in JSON format
PlayStory_LogTapSwitch Tell Storyplayer to output 'tap13' format
RuntimeConfigManager Helper class for working with Storyplayer's persistent state
Script_Command A command to play a script
ShowTestEnvironment_Command Command to list the current default environment, suitable for use inside shell scripts
StaticConfigManager helper class for loading our static config files