PHP LdapTools\AttributeConverter Namespace


Name Description
AttributeConverterInterface Any attribute conversion to/from LDAP should implement this interface.
OperationGeneratorInterface Used for a converter that generates additional operations based off the current attribute/value.


Name Description
ConvertADTimeSpan Converts an ADTimeSpan object between the I8 format AD uses for storing time spans.
ConvertAccountExpiration Used to convert an accountExpires value to a DateTime object, or detect if the value indicates it never expires and either set it as false. To set the account to never expire always pass a bool false as the value. Otherwise to set a date and time for the account to expire then set a \DateTime object.
ConvertBoolean Converts a boolean for an attribute into the LDAP defined 'TRUE' / 'FALSE', and into the PHP true and false.
ConvertExchangeProxyAddress Converts the Exchange proxyAddress attribute by keeping a type map and transforming the address with the needed prefix.
ConvertExchangeRoles Converts the current roles of an Exchange server using a bitwise and operation to get a readable name.
ConvertExchangeVersion Converts the Exchange version from the number to the actual familiar name.
ConvertFunctionalLevel Converts the AD domain/forest functional level to a human readable form.
ConvertGPLink Converts a gPLink attribute to an array of GPOLink objects, and back again for LDAP.
ConvertGeneralizedTime Converts Generalized Time format to/from a \DateTime object.
ConvertGpOptions Converts the gpOptions attribute value to a boolean value.
ConvertGroupMembership Allows the back-linked group memberships for an LDAP entry to be modified in a more intuitive way by converting the back-linked value changes to LDAP operations to add/remove them from the entry. This also extends the normal value to DN converter to allow for proper conversion for searches.
ConvertGroupType Converts the groupType bitmask value to a PHP bool, or a bool for a specific bit back to the value for LDAP.
ConvertInteger Converts an integer into its LDAP string representation, and back into an integer for PHP.
ConvertLdapObjectType Based off the objectClass of an object, determine what LDAP Object schema type it is.
ConvertLockoutTime Converts the lockoutTime to either a bool or a DateTime object.
ConvertLogonWorkstations Modifies the userWorkstations attribute (The "Log on To.
ConvertPasswordMustChange Based off a boolean value this will correctly set the pwdLastSet attribute in AD.
ConvertPrimaryGroup Given the primaryGroupID (The RID), convert it to the readable group name or convert a group name back into its RID.
ConvertUserAccountControl Uses a User Account Control Mapping from the schema and the current attribute/last value context to properly convert the boolean value to what LDAP or PHP expects it to be.
ConvertValueToDn Takes a common string value and converts it into a full distinguished name.
ConvertWindowsGeneralizedTime Converts Windows Generalized Time format to/from a \DateTime object.
ConvertWindowsGuid Converts a binary objectGuid to a string representation and also from it's string representation back to hex/binary for LDAP. The back to hex/binary structure is slightly unusual due to the endianness required.
ConvertWindowsSid Converts an objectSid between binary form and the friendly string form.
ConvertWindowsTime Converts a Windows timestamp into a \DateTime object, and from a \DateTime object back to Windows time.
EncodeWindowsPassword Takes a plain-string password and converts it to a UTF-16 encoded unicode string containing the password surrounded by quotation marks. Additionally, this is only ever going to be a toLdap() conversion as AD will never return the unicodePwd attribute from a search. The fromLdap() is here simply to conform to the interface.


Name Description
AttributeConverterTrait Common Attribute Converter methods and properties.
OperationGeneratorTrait Contains the common methods and properties needed for the OperationGeneratorInterface.