Имя |
Описание |
ConvertADTimeSpan |
Converts an ADTimeSpan object between the I8 format AD uses for storing time spans. |
ConvertAccountExpiration |
Used to convert an accountExpires value to a DateTime object, or detect if the value indicates it never expires and
either set it as false. To set the account to never expire always pass a bool false as the value. Otherwise to set a
date and time for the account to expire then set a \DateTime object. |
ConvertBoolean |
Converts a boolean for an attribute into the LDAP defined 'TRUE' / 'FALSE', and into the PHP true and false. |
ConvertExchangeProxyAddress |
Converts the Exchange proxyAddress attribute by keeping a type map and transforming the address with the needed
prefix. |
ConvertExchangeRoles |
Converts the current roles of an Exchange server using a bitwise and operation to get a readable name. |
ConvertExchangeVersion |
Converts the Exchange version from the number to the actual familiar name. |
ConvertFunctionalLevel |
Converts the AD domain/forest functional level to a human readable form. |
ConvertGPLink |
Converts a gPLink attribute to an array of GPOLink objects, and back again for LDAP. |
ConvertGeneralizedTime |
Converts Generalized Time format to/from a \DateTime object. |
ConvertGpOptions |
Converts the gpOptions attribute value to a boolean value. |
ConvertGroupMembership |
Allows the back-linked group memberships for an LDAP entry to be modified in a more intuitive way by converting the
back-linked value changes to LDAP operations to add/remove them from the entry. This also extends the normal
value to DN converter to allow for proper conversion for searches. |
ConvertGroupType |
Converts the groupType bitmask value to a PHP bool, or a bool for a specific bit back to the value for LDAP. |
ConvertInteger |
Converts an integer into its LDAP string representation, and back into an integer for PHP. |
ConvertLdapObjectType |
Based off the objectClass of an object, determine what LDAP Object schema type it is. |
ConvertLockoutTime |
Converts the lockoutTime to either a bool or a DateTime object. |
ConvertLogonWorkstations |
Modifies the userWorkstations attribute (The "Log on To. |
ConvertPasswordMustChange |
Based off a boolean value this will correctly set the pwdLastSet attribute in AD. |
ConvertPrimaryGroup |
Given the primaryGroupID (The RID), convert it to the readable group name or convert a group name back into its RID. |
ConvertUserAccountControl |
Uses a User Account Control Mapping from the schema and the current attribute/last value context to properly convert
the boolean value to what LDAP or PHP expects it to be. |
ConvertValueToDn |
Takes a common string value and converts it into a full distinguished name. |
ConvertWindowsGeneralizedTime |
Converts Windows Generalized Time format to/from a \DateTime object. |
ConvertWindowsGuid |
Converts a binary objectGuid to a string representation and also from it's string representation back to hex/binary
for LDAP. The back to hex/binary structure is slightly unusual due to the endianness required. |
ConvertWindowsSid |
Converts an objectSid between binary form and the friendly string form. |
ConvertWindowsTime |
Converts a Windows timestamp into a \DateTime object, and from a \DateTime object back to Windows time. |
EncodeWindowsPassword |
Takes a plain-string password and converts it to a UTF-16 encoded unicode string containing the password surrounded
by quotation marks. Additionally, this is only ever going to be a toLdap() conversion as AD will never return the
unicodePwd attribute from a search. The fromLdap() is here simply to conform to the interface. |