메소드 |
설명 |
__construct ( ) |
Constructor |
build_map ( $address, $api_key = null ) : string |
Builds map display HTML code from the supplied latitude and longitude. |
build_map_link ( string $address ) : string |
Generate a Google Maps link for the supplied address. |
defaults ( ) : array |
Return an associative array of default values |
enqueue_scripts ( ) |
Enqueue scripts and styles. |
form ( array $instance ) : void |
Displays the form for this widget on the Widgets page of the WP Admin area. |
has_good_map ( array $instance ) : boolean |
Check if the instance has a valid Map location. |
update ( array $new_instance, array $old_instance ) : array |
Deals with the settings when they are saved by the admin. Here is
where any validation should be dealt with. |
urlencode_address ( string $address ) : string |
Encode an URL |
widget ( array $args, array $instance ) : void |
Outputs the HTML for this widget. |