PHP Класс Jetpack_Contact_Info_Widget, jetpack

Наследование: extends WP_Widget
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Открытые методы

Метод Описание
__construct ( ) Constructor
build_map ( $address, $api_key = null ) : string Builds map display HTML code from the supplied latitude and longitude.
build_map_link ( string $address ) : string Generate a Google Maps link for the supplied address.
defaults ( ) : array Return an associative array of default values
enqueue_scripts ( ) Enqueue scripts and styles.
form ( array $instance ) : void Displays the form for this widget on the Widgets page of the WP Admin area.
has_good_map ( array $instance ) : boolean Check if the instance has a valid Map location.
update ( array $new_instance, array $old_instance ) : array Deals with the settings when they are saved by the admin. Here is where any validation should be dealt with.
urlencode_address ( string $address ) : string Encode an URL
widget ( array $args, array $instance ) : void Outputs the HTML for this widget.

Описание методов

__construct() публичный Метод

public __construct ( )

build_map() публичный Метод

Builds map display HTML code from the supplied latitude and longitude.
public build_map ( $address, $api_key = null ) : string
Результат string HTML of the map

defaults() публичный Метод

These values are used in new widgets.
public defaults ( ) : array
Результат array Array of default values for the Widget's options

enqueue_scripts() публичный Метод

Enqueue scripts and styles.
public enqueue_scripts ( )

form() публичный Метод

Displays the form for this widget on the Widgets page of the WP Admin area.
public form ( array $instance ) : void
$instance array Instance configuration.
Результат void

has_good_map() публичный Метод

Check if the instance has a valid Map location.
public has_good_map ( array $instance ) : boolean
$instance array Widget instance configuration.
Результат boolean Whether or not there is a valid map.

update() публичный Метод

Deals with the settings when they are saved by the admin. Here is where any validation should be dealt with.
public update ( array $new_instance, array $old_instance ) : array
$new_instance array New configuration values
$old_instance array Old configuration values
Результат array

urlencode_address() публичный Метод

Encode an URL
public urlencode_address ( string $address ) : string
$address string The URL to encode
Результат string The encoded URL

widget() публичный Метод

Outputs the HTML for this widget.
public widget ( array $args, array $instance ) : void
$args array An array of standard parameters for widgets in this theme
$instance array An array of settings for this widget instance
Результат void Echoes it's output