PHP Pinq\Queries Namespace

Nested Namespaces



Name Description
IOperation The interface for a operation query, one of the const types, they are all implemented as their own class in Operations namespace.
IOperationQuery An operation query is a type of query for IRepository, it represents an action to execute against the supplied scope of the source values.
IParameterRegistry Interface for request and operation query template parameters.
IQuery Base interface for request and operation queries.
IRequest The interface for a request query, one of the const types, they are all implemented as their own class in Requests namespace.
IRequestQuery An request query is a type of query for IQueryable, it represents an value to retrieve from the supplied scope of the source values.
IResolvedParameterRegistry Interface for a resolved parameter registry.
IResolvedQuery Interface for a resolved query.
IScope The query scope. This contains many query segments which in order represent the scope of the query to be loaded/executed.
ISegment The interface for a query segment, one of the const types, they are all implemented as their own class class in Segments namespace.
ISourceInfo Interface for a query source data container.


Name Description
OperationQuery Implementation of the IOperationQuery
ParameterRegistry Implementation for request and operation query template parameters.
Query Base implementation for the IQuery
RequestQuery Implementation of the IRequestQuery
ResolvedParameterRegistry Implementation of the resolved parameter registry.
ResolvedQuery Implementation of the resolved query interface.
Scope Implementation of the IScope
SourceInfo Implementation of the source info interface.