PHP Pinq\Providers\DSL\Compilation Пространство имен

Пространства имен



Имя Описание
ICompiledQuery Base interface for a compiled request / operation query.
IOperationCompilation Base interface for a operation query undergoing compilation.
IOperationTemplate Interface of a operation query template.
IQueryCompilation Base interface for an request / operation query undergoing compilation.
IQueryTemplate Base interface for a request / operation query template.
IRequestCompilation Base interface for a request query undergoing compilation.
IRequestTemplate Interface of a request query template.
IStaticOperationTemplate Interface for a compiled operation query.
IStaticQueryTemplate Interface for a request / operation query that contains no structural parameters and hence stores the fully compiled query.


Имя Описание
CompiledQuery Base class of a compiled query.
OperationTemplate Base class of the operation template interface.
QueryCompilation Base class for an request / operation query undergoing compilation.
QueryTemplate Base class of the query template interface.
RequestTemplate Base class of the request template interface.
StaticOperationTemplate Base class of the static operation template interface.
StaticQueryTemplate Base class of the static query template interface.
StaticRequestTemplate Base class of the static request template interface.