PHP yii\authclient Пространство имен

Пространства имен



Имя Описание
StateStorageInterface StateStorageInterface is an interface for Auth client state storage.


Имя Описание
AuthAction AuthAction performs authentication via different auth clients.
BaseClient BaseClient is a base Auth Client class.
BaseOAuth BaseOAuth is a base class for the OAuth clients.
Collection Collection is a storage for all auth clients in the application.
InvalidResponseException InvalidResponseException represents an exception caused by invalid remote server response.
OAuth1 OAuth1 serves as a client for the OAuth 1/1.0a flow.
OAuth2 OAuth2 serves as a client for the OAuth 2 flow.
OAuthToken Token represents OAuth token.
OpenId OpenId provides a simple interface for OpenID (1.1 and 2.0) authentication.
SessionStateStorage SessionStateStorage provides Auth client state storage based on web session.