PHP Pinq\Parsing Namespace

Nested Namespaces



Name Description
IFunctionDeclaration Interface containing the declaration location of a function.
IFunctionInterpreter Interface for loading reflection and expression data from functions.
IFunctionLocation Interface containing the reflection data of a function.
IFunctionMagic Interface containing the structural information of a function.
IFunctionReflection Interface for the reflection of a function.
IFunctionScope Interface containing the scope data of a function.
IFunctionSignature Interface containing the reflection data of a function.
IFunctionStructure Interface containing the structural information of a function.
ILocatedFunction Interface of a function whose signature and location has been found.
IMagicConstants Interface of a set of resolved magic constants for a function.
IMagicResolvable Interface containing the necessary methods to resolve any magic constants/scopes of the contained expressions.
IMagicScopes Interface for a set of resolved self::, static::, parent:: scopes of a function.
IParser The parser interface is an abstraction over parsing a function into an expression tree.


Name Description
ASTException Exception for errors while converting the AST into an expression tree
FunctionDeclaration Implementation of the function declaration interface.
FunctionInterpreter Implementation of the function interpreter interface.
FunctionLocation Implementation of the function location interface.
FunctionMagic Implementation of the function magic interface.
FunctionReflection Implementation of the function reflection interface.
FunctionScope Implementation of the function scope interface.
FunctionSignature Implementation of the function signature interface.
FunctionStructure Implementation of the function structure interface.
InvalidFunctionException Exception for errors while converting a function into an expression tree
LocatedFunction Implementation of the located function interface.
MagicConstants Implementation of the magic constants interface.
MagicResolvable Implementation of the function magic interface.
MagicScopes Implementation of the magic scopes interface.
ParserBase Base class for a function parser
Reflection Utility class for getting the reflection from any type of callable.